Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Antibullying week November 17-23, 2013

Brandon University Anti-Bullying Society vice-president Krystal Kayne, left, explains the concept of the BUABS’ Anti-bullying Blanket, large enough to cover a school bus, during the start to Bullying Awareness Week at BU on Monday. Started last February, the blanket is made of hundreds of material blocks signed by more than 7,000 people and will be displayed on Parliament Hill on Nov. 22.
The bus photo was taken by a photographer from the Brandon Sun, I bought this digital copy from the newspaper.
I spent approximately 70 hours piecing the pink squares, rectangles and various sized banners together to make a 40.6 foot by 31.82 feet blanket (1291 square feet).
 It took over an hour to serge each 40 foot length. 
One cone of serger thread is 1,625 yards or 1,500 metres, I used more than eight cones on this blanket.
Lots of thoughtful messages.
 The golden rule.
Respect others, respect yourself. Happy Anti-bullying week.


  1. wow! that's impressive on so many levels. when is it going to Ottawa?

  2. wonderful. it's too bad we still need such projects, but they are getting the message out.


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