This was my first experience making lace.
I used a Schmetz Gold 75/11 Titanium needle, with Q-Green Tearaway Washaway EB-160 backing and Paradise Dreamz variegated embroidery thread 50 wt. I also used Marathon white embroidery thread, Sulky rayon and the variegated purple, pink and blue thread is Rainbow serger thread.
The backing worked better when it was double thickness because the stitching is so dense.
Q-Green backing is very easy to remove with tearing away, then a soak in hot water. They were laid flat to dry on a towel and covered with a second towel. Once dry they are quite stiff and flat.
I was planning to mail them to Sandy Hook on January 4. Oh well...any suggestions on what to do with 11 snowflakes?
Christmas tree ornaments?
Coffee table coaster?
It took almost an hour to stitch out this large purple one, the others took over half an hour each.
This little pink one is sulky rayon thread.
It was fun project and I learned a lot.
Happy Stitching!