Monday, January 27, 2020

Exploding Blocks quilt - great scrapbuster.

My goal for 2020, not resolution is to complete my UFOs (unfinished objects) before starting new projects.  Finished this Exploding Block quilt  made with 100% cotton scraps from other projects. Started each block with a 2.5" square some are a 2.5" four patch. Then I added borders and cut the blocks wonky. The ribbons are for fondling. Free motion quilted with sunbursts, feathers in the sashing, butterflies, and loop de loops in the borders then framed with Susie's Magic Binding.
 Scrap busting is fun. 
On the design wall.

 Fabric auditions for sashing.
Light blue sashing.
The outside sashing has posts.
Ok top is complete.
I do not mark the free motion feathers.  I did draw a circle with a Crayola washable marker in the middle of the sunburst.
This quilt was started in spring 2019 and completed January 2020.  Approximately 20 hours of free motion quilting.